| **FitTrackee** can be installed via a single `Python package from PyPI `__ or from sources after cloning the repository.
| For a single-user instance, it's possible to disable registration. So all you need is Python and PostgreSQL. A `CLI `__ is available to manage user account.
| The following steps describe an installation on Linux systems (tested ArchLinux-based OS and Ubuntu on CI).
| On other operating systems, some issues can be encountered and adaptations may be necessary.
.. note::
| Other installation guides are available thanks to contributors:
| - `Installation on Uberspace Web hosting `__
| - `Installation on Debian 12 net install (guide in German) `__
Main dependencies
This application is written in Python (API) and Typescript (client):
- API:
- Flask
- `gpxpy `_ to parse gpx files
- `staticmap `_ to generate a static map image from gpx coordinates
- `dramatiq `_ for task queue
- `Authlib `_ for OAuth 2.0 Authorization support
- `Flask-Limiter `_ for API rate limits
- `gunicorn `_ to serve application
- Client:
- Vue3/Vuex
- `Leaflet `__ to display map
- `Chart.js `__ to display charts with elevation and speed
| Logo, some sports and weather icons are made by `Freepik `__ from ` `__.
| FitTrackee also uses icons from `Fork Awesome `__.
- mandatory
- installation from sources or package:
- `Python `__ 3.9+
- `PostgreSQL `__ 12+
- installation with Docker:
- `Docker `__ and `Docker Compose `__ v2.30+
- optional
- `Redis `__ for task queue (if email sending is enabled and for data export requests) and API rate limits (for installation from sources or package)
- SMTP provider (if email sending is enabled)
- API key from a `weather data provider `__
- `Poetry `__ 1.2+ (for installation from sources only)
- `Node `__ 18+ and `Yarn `__ (for development only)
.. note::
| If registration is enabled, it is recommended to set Redis and a SMTP provider for email sending and data export requests.
Environment variables
.. warning::
| Since FitTrackee 0.4.0, ``Makefile.custom.config`` is replaced by ``.env``
The following environment variables are used by **FitTrackee** web application
or the task processing library. They are not all mandatory depending on
deployment method.
.. envvar:: FLASK_APP
| Name of the module to import at flask run.
| ``FLASK_APP`` should contain ``$(PWD)/fittrackee/`` with installation from sources, else ``fittrackee``.
.. envvar:: HOST
**FitTrackee** host.
:default: ````
.. envvar:: PORT
**FitTrackee** port.
:default: 5000
.. envvar:: APP_SETTINGS
**FitTrackee** configuration.
:default: ``fittrackee.config.ProductionConfig``
.. envvar:: APP_SECRET_KEY
**FitTrackee** secret key, must be initialized in production environment.
.. warning::
Use a strong secret key. This key is used in JWT generation.
.. envvar:: APP_WORKERS
Number of workers spawned by **Gunicorn**.
:default: 1
.. envvar:: APP_LOG
.. versionadded:: 0.4.0
Path to log file
.. envvar:: UPLOAD_FOLDER
.. versionadded:: 0.4.0
**Absolute path** to the directory where ``uploads`` folder will be created.
:default: ``/fittrackee``
.. danger::
| With installation from PyPI, the directory will be located in
**virtualenv** directory if the variable is not initialized.
.. envvar:: DATABASE_URL
| Database URL with username and password, must be initialized in production environment.
| For example in dev environment : ``postgresql://fittrackee:fittrackee@localhost:5432/fittrackee``
.. warning::
| Since `SQLAlchemy update (1.4+) `__,
engine URL should begin with ``postgresql://``.
.. versionadded:: 0.4.0
Disable pooling if needed (when starting application with **FitTrackee** entry point and not directly with **Gunicorn**),
see `SqlAlchemy documentation `__.
:default: ``false``
.. envvar:: UI_URL
**FitTrackee** URL, needed for links in emails.
.. envvar:: EMAIL_URL
.. versionadded:: 0.3.0
Email URL with credentials, see `Emails `__.
.. versionchanged:: 0.6.5
:default: empty string
.. danger::
If the email URL is empty, email sending will be disabled.
.. warning::
If the email URL is invalid, the application may not start.
.. envvar:: SENDER_EMAIL
.. versionadded:: 0.3.0
**FitTrackee** sender email address.
.. envvar:: REDIS_URL
.. versionadded:: 0.3.0
Redis instance used by **Dramatiq** and **Flask-Limiter**.
:default: local Redis instance (``redis://``)
.. versionadded:: 0.3.0
Number of processes used by **Dramatiq**.
.. envvar:: API_RATE_LIMITS
.. versionadded:: 0.7.0
API rate limits, see `API rate limits `__.
:default: ``300 per 5 minutes``
.. envvar:: TILE_SERVER_URL
.. versionadded:: 0.4.0
| Tile server URL (with api key if needed), see `Map tile server `__.
| Since **0.4.9**, it's also used to generate static maps (to keep default server, see `DEFAULT_STATICMAP `__)
.. versionchanged:: 0.7.23
| The default URL is updated: **OpenStreetMap**'s tile server no longer requires subdomains.
:default: ``{z}/{x}/{y}.png``
.. versionadded:: 0.6.10
| Some tile servers require a subdomain, see `Map tile server `__.
| For instance: "a,b,c" for OSM France.
:default: empty string
.. versionadded:: 0.4.0
Map attribution (if using another tile server), see `Map tile server `__.
:default: ``© OpenStreetMap contributors``
.. versionadded:: 0.4.9
| If ``True``, it keeps using **staticmap** default tile server to generate static maps (OSM tile server since **staticmap** 0.5.6 ( tile server before this version)).
| Otherwise, it uses the tile server set in `TILE_SERVER_URL `__.
.. versionchanged:: 0.6.10
| This variable is now case-insensitive.
| If ``False``, depending on tile server, `subdomains `__ may be mandatory.
:default: ``False``
.. envvar:: WEATHER_API_KEY
.. versionchanged:: 0.4.0 ⚠️ replaces ``WEATHER_API``
Weather API key (not mandatory), see ``WEATHER_API_PROVIDER``.
.. versionadded:: 0.7.11
Provider for weather data (not mandatory), see `Weather data `__.
.. envvar:: VITE_APP_API_URL
.. versionchanged:: 0.7.26 ⚠️ replaces ``VUE_APP_API_URL``
**FitTrackee** API URL, only needed in dev environment.
.. versionadded:: 0.8.13
Environment variables for ``docker-compose.yml``
.. envvar:: APP_PORT
Application container port
.. envvar:: DATABASE_DIR
Host directory for PostgreSQL data volume
.. envvar:: POSTGRES_USER
User for PostgreSQL database
Password for PostgreSQL user
.. envvar:: POSTGRES_DB
Database name for FitTrackee application
.. envvar:: REDIS_DIR
Host directory for redis data volume
.. envvar:: LOG_DIR
Host directory for logs volume
.. envvar:: UPLOAD_DIR
Host directory for uploaded files volume
.. versionadded:: 0.3.0
To send emails, a valid ``EMAIL_URL`` must be provided:
- with an unencrypted SMTP server: ``smtp://``
- with SSL: ``smtp://``
- with STARTTLS: ``smtp://``
.. warning::
| If the email URL is invalid, the application may not start.
| Sending emails with Office365 may not work if SMTP auth is disabled.
.. versionchanged:: 0.5.3
| Credentials can be omitted: ``smtp://``.
| If ``:`` is omitted, the port defaults to 25.
.. warning::
| Since 0.6.0, newly created accounts must be confirmed (an email with confirmation instructions is sent after registration).
Emails sent by FitTrackee are:
- account confirmation instructions
- password reset request
- email change (to old and new email addresses)
- password change
- notification when a data export archive is ready to download (*new in 0.7.13*)
.. versionchanged:: 0.6.5
For single-user instance, it is possible to disable email sending with an empty ``EMAIL_URL`` (in this case, no need to start dramatiq workers).
A `CLI `__ is available to activate account, modify email and password and handle data export requests.
.. versionchanged:: 0.7.24
Password can be encoded if it contains special characters.
For instance with password ``passwordwith@and&and?``, the encoded password will be: ``passwordwith%40and%26and%3F``.
Map tile server
.. versionadded:: 0.4.0
Default tile server is now **OpenStreetMap**'s standard tile layer (if environment variables are not initialized).
The tile server can be changed by updating ``TILE_SERVER_URL`` and ``MAP_ATTRIBUTION`` variables (`list of tile servers `__).
To keep using **ThunderForest Outdoors**, the configuration is:
- ``TILE_SERVER_URL=https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey=XXXX`` where **XXXX** is **ThunderForest** API key
- ``MAP_ATTRIBUTION=© Thunderforest, © OpenStreetMap contributors``
.. note::
| Check the terms of service of tile provider for map attribution.
.. versionchanged:: 0.6.10
Since the tile server can be used for static map generation, some servers require a subdomain.
For instance, to set OSM France tile server, the expected values are:
- ``TILE_SERVER_URL=https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png``
- ``MAP_ATTRIBUTION='fond de carte par OpenStreetMap France, sous licence CC BY-SA'``
The subdomain will be chosen randomly.
.. versionadded:: 0.7.23
The default URL is updated: **OpenStreetMap**'s tile server no longer requires subdomains.
API rate limits
.. versionadded:: 0.7.0
| API rate limits are managed by `Flask-Limiter `_, based on IP with fixed window strategy.
| To enable rate limits, **Redis** must be available.
.. note::
| If no Redis instance is available for rate limits, FitTrackee can still start.
| All endpoints are subject to rate limits, except endpoints serving assets.
| Limits can be modified by setting the environment variable ``API_RATE_LIMITS`` (see `Flask-Limiter documentation for notation `_).
| Rate limits must be separated by a comma, for instance:
.. code-block::
export API_RATE_LIMITS="200 per day, 50 per hour"
**Flask-Limiter** provides a `Command Line Interface `_ for maintenance and diagnostic purposes.
.. code-block:: bash
$ flask limiter
Usage: flask limiter [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Flask-Limiter maintenance & utility commands
--help Show this message and exit.
clear Clear limits for a specific key
config View the extension configuration
limits Enumerate details about all routes with rate limits
Weather data
.. versionchanged:: 0.7.11
The following weather data providers are supported by **FitTrackee**:
- `Visual Crossing `__ (**note**: historical data are provided on hourly period)
To configure a weather provider, set the following environment variables:
- ``WEATHER_API_KEY``: the key to the corresponding weather provider
.. versionchanged:: 0.7.15
**DarkSky** support is discontinued, since the service shut down on March 31, 2023.
.. warning::
| Note that **FitTrackee** is under heavy development, some features may be unstable.
From PyPI
.. note::
| Simplest way to install FitTrackee.
- Create and activate a `virtualenv `__
- Install **FitTrackee** with pip
.. code-block:: bash
$ pip install fittrackee
- Create ``fittrackee`` database
Example :
.. code-block:: sql
CREATE SCHEMA fittrackee AUTHORIZATION fittrackee;
CREATE DATABASE fittrackee OWNER fittrackee;
.. note::
| see PostgreSQL `documentation `_ for schema and privileges.
- Initialize environment variables, see `Environment variables `__
For instance, copy and update ``.env`` file from ``.env.example`` and source the file.
.. code-block:: bash
$ nano .env
$ source .env
- Initialize database schema
.. code-block:: bash
$ ftcli db upgrade
- Start the application
.. code-block:: bash
$ fittrackee
- Start task queue workers **if email sending is enabled**, with flask-dramatiq CLI:
.. code-block:: bash
$ flask worker --processes 2
.. note::
| To start application and workers with **systemd** service, see `Deployment `__
- Open http://localhost:5000 and register
- To set admin rights to the newly created account, use the following command line:
.. code:: bash
$ ftcli users update --set-admin true
.. note::
If the user account is inactive, it activates it.
From sources
.. warning::
| Since **FitTrackee** 0.2.1, Python packages installation needs Poetry.
| For more information, see `Poetry Documentation `__
.. note::
| To keep virtualenv in project directory, update Poetry `configuration `__.
.. code-block:: bash
$ poetry config true
Dev environment
- Clone this repo:
.. code:: bash
$ git clone
$ cd FitTrackee
- Create **.env** from example and update it
(see `Environment variables `__).
- Install Python virtualenv, Vue and all related packages and
initialize the database:
.. code:: bash
$ make install-dev
$ make install-db
- Start the server and the client:
.. code:: bash
$ make serve
- Run dramatiq workers:
.. code:: bash
$ make run-workers
- Open http://localhost:3000 and register
- To set admin rights to the newly created account, use the following command line:
.. code:: bash
$ make user-set-admin USERNAME=
.. note::
If the user account is inactive, it activates it.
Production environment
.. warning::
| Note that FitTrackee is under heavy development, some features may be unstable.
- Download the last release (for now, it is the release v0.8.13):
.. code:: bash
$ wget
$ tar -xzf v0.8.13.tar.gz
$ mv FitTrackee-0.8.13 FitTrackee
$ cd FitTrackee
- Create **.env** from example and update it
(see `Environment variables `__).
- Install Python virtualenv and all related packages:
.. code:: bash
$ make install-python
- Initialize the database (**after updating** ``db/create.sql`` **to change
database credentials**):
.. code:: bash
$ make install-db
- Start the server and dramatiq workers:
.. code:: bash
$ make run
.. note::
If email sending is disabled: ``$ make run-server``
- Open http://localhost:5000 and register
- To set admin rights to the newly created account, use the following command line:
.. code:: bash
$ make user-set-admin USERNAME=
.. note::
If the user account is inactive, it activates it.
.. warning::
| Before upgrading, make a backup of all data:
| - database (with `pg_dump `__ for instance)
| - upload directory (see `Environment variables `__)
.. warning::
For now, releases do not follow `semantic versioning `__). Any version may contain backward-incompatible changes.
From PyPI
.. warning::
| Only if **FitTrackee** was initially installed from **PyPI**
- Stop the application and activate the `virtualenv `__
- Upgrade with pip
.. code-block:: bash
$ pip install -U fittrackee
- Update environment variables if needed and source environment variables file
.. code-block:: bash
$ nano .env
$ source .env
- Upgrade database if needed (see changelog for migrations):
.. code-block:: bash
$ ftcli db upgrade
- Restart the application and task queue workers (if email sending is enabled).
From sources
.. warning::
| Only if **FitTrackee** was initially installed from sources.
Dev environment
- Stop the application and pull the repository:
.. code:: bash
$ git pull
- Update **.env** if needed (see `Environment variables `__).
- Upgrade packages:
.. code:: bash
$ make install-dev
- Upgrade database if needed (see changelog for migrations):
.. code:: bash
$ make upgrade-db
- Restart the server:
.. code:: bash
$ make serve
- Run dramatiq workers:
.. code:: bash
$ make run-workers
Prod environment
- Stop the application
- Change to the directory where FitTrackee directory is located
- Download the last release (for now, it is the release v0.8.13) and overwrite existing files:
.. code:: bash
$ wget
$ tar -xzf v0.8.13.tar.gz
$ cp -R FitTrackee-0.8.13/* FitTrackee/
$ cd FitTrackee
- Update **.env** if needed (see `Environment variables `__).
- Upgrade packages:
.. code:: bash
$ make install-python
- Upgrade database if needed (see changelog for migrations):
.. code:: bash
$ make upgrade-db
- Restart the server and dramatiq workers:
.. code:: bash
$ make run
.. note::
If email sending is disabled: ``$ make run-server``
There are several ways to start **FitTrackee** web application and task queue
One way is to use a **systemd** services and **Nginx** to proxy pass to **Gunicorn**.
.. warning::
To adapt depending on your instance configuration and operating system
- for application: ``fittrackee.service``
.. code-block::
Description=FitTrackee service
ExecStart=/home///.venv/bin/gunicorn -b "fittrackee:create_app()" --error-logfile /home///gunicorn.log
.. note::
To handle large files, a higher value for `timeout `__ can be set.
.. note::
More information on deployment with Gunicorn in its `documentation `__.
- for task queue workers: ``fittrackee_workers.service``
.. code-block::
Description=FitTrackee task queue service
ExecStart=/home///.venv/bin/flask worker --processes
- **Nginx** configuration:
.. code-block::
server {
listen 443 ssl http2;
ssl_certificate fullchain.pem;
ssl_certificate_key privkey.pem;
## this parameter controls how large of a file can be
## uploaded, and defaults to 1MB. If you change the FitTrackee
## settings to allow larger uploads, you'll need to change this
## setting by uncommenting the line below and setting the size limit
## you want. Set to "0" to prevent nginx from checking the
## request body size at all
# client_max_body_size 1m;
location / {
proxy_redirect default;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $server_name;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
server {
listen 80;
location / {
return 301$request_uri;
.. note::
If needed, update configuration to handle larger files (see `client_max_body_size `_).
.. versionadded:: 0.4.4
.. versionchanged:: 0.5.0 add client application for development
.. versionchanged:: 0.8.13 add docker image for production
Images are available on `DockerHub `_ or `Github registry `_.
.. note::
Images are available for ``linux/amd64`` and ``linux/arm64`` platforms. Only ``linux/amd64`` image has been tested.
- create a ``docker-compose.yml`` file as needed (see the example in the repository):
- the minimal set up requires at least the database and the web application
- to activate the rate limit, redis is required
- to send e-mails, redis and workers are required and a valid ``EMAIL_URL`` variable must be set in ``.env``
.. note::
The same image is used by the web application and workers.
- create ``.env`` from example (``.env.docker.example``) and update it (see `Environment variables `__).
- to start the application:
.. code:: bash
$ docker compose up -d
.. warning::
Migrations are executed at startup. Please backup data before updating FitTrackee image version.
- to run a CLI command, for instance to give admin rights:
.. code:: bash
$ docker compose exec fittrackee ftcli users update --set-admin true
- To install and run **FitTrackee**:
.. code-block:: bash
$ git clone
$ cd FitTrackee
$ make docker-run
- Open http://localhost:5000 and register.
Open http://localhost:8025 to access `MailHog interface `_ (email testing tool)
- To set admin rights to the newly created account, use the following command line:
.. code:: bash
$ make docker-set-admin USERNAME=
.. note::
If the user account is inactive, it activates it.
- To stop **Fittrackee**:
.. code-block:: bash
$ make docker-stop
- To run shell inside **Fittrackee** container:
.. code-block:: bash
$ make docker-shell
- an additional step is needed to install ``fittrackee_client``
.. code-block:: bash
$ make docker-build-client
- to start **FitTrackee** with client dev tools:
.. code-block:: bash
$ make docker-serve-client
Open http://localhost:3000
.. note::
Some environment variables need to be updated like ``UI_URL``
- to run lint or tests:
.. code-block:: bash
$ make docker-lint-client # run type check and lint on javascript files
$ make docker-test-client # run unit tests on Client
$ make docker-lint-python # run type check and lint on python files
$ make docker-test-python # run unit tests on API
Thanks to contributors, a package is available, see
Thanks to contributors, a package is available on NixOS, see